Friday, March 6, 2020

How to Cope When Your Job Doesnt Offer Enough Time Off - Introvert Whisperer

Introvert Whisperer / How to Cope When Your Job Doesnt Offer Enough Time Off - Introvert Whisperer How to Cope When Your Job Doesnt Offer Enough Time Off The modern world has woken up to the power of breaks. These can be especially beneficial to introverts who feel stifled by a bullpen or endless string of face-to-face meetings at work every day. But even in an era where cutting-edge transformational leadership methods are helping to bring out the best in introverts on a regular basis, there are still plenty of employers who don’t allow their employees to take a reasonable amount of time off. If you find that your employer doesn’t provide a healthy amount of vacation days to properly relax and destress from work on a regular basis, here are a few suggestions to help remedy the situation. Create a “Safe Zone” If you don’t have the ability to take time off from work, that shouldn’t stop you from finding respite within each workday as it unfolds. Even if you work in a toxic workplace, it’s still worth trying to create a “safe zone” for yourself where you can retreat to. Having a place to feel comfortable and alone at work can do wonders for the long-term health of an introvert that feels trapped in their workplace. Request to Work From Home One easy way to get some time away from the office is to simply not go into the office. Many modern jobs and work-related tasks are easily done from home. If this is the case for you, consider asking for permission to do at least some of your work remotely. While working from home is hardly that vacation to the Bahamas that you were planning, it still provides a much-needed break from a bustling corporate work environment. It also has the added benefit of allowing you to save on time and the costs of commuting regularly. Make the Best With What You Have Another way to cope with less paid time off is to make sure you carefully take advantage of whatever vacation time you do get. Look ahead into your year, plan out the days you know you’ll need, and then see what you have left. If you do have enough time to actually take a vacation, make sure to plan it out thoughtfully. Start by saving up money beforehand in order to keep the financial stress of your trip to a minimum. Try to travel during the offseason, bring snacks, look for airfare deals, and so on. When it comes to the trip itself, make sure to go over your itinerary carefully and arrange your time to get the most rest possible. Critically, that means not overplanning or excessively micromanaging your vacation plans. Try to stay flexible. Just make sure you’re structuring your trip to get as much RR out of the experience as possible. Become an Advocate If you’re feeling bold, one option is to approach your boss directly with the concern that you and your fellow employees aren’t getting enough rest. Make sure to do so respectfully and with a strategy or you may come across as simply lazy. Instead, focus on the fact that time to rest and recover isn’t just about allowing employees to have more personal time; it’s also intimately tied in with the mismanagement of human capital in a corporate setting. For instance, one study pinpointed 10 of the main causes that lead to turnover in the workplace. The second largest cause on the list was the issue of work-life balance, a struggle directly impacted by paid time off. If you approach your boss with a genuine appeal for more rest in order to be more committed, productive, and generally function better in the workplace, you may find that the request doesn’t fall on deaf ears. Budget Your Own Vacation While an insufficient amount of paid time off can be an injustice, there’s only so much you can do about it in the workplace itself. If you find that you simply cannot get your boss to budge on the vacation question, consider creating your own paid time off by setting aside some cash to cover the cost of unpaid leave. It’s much easier to request time off when your workplace doesn’t have to take a financial hit so you’re more likely to actually get this request approved. When that happens, though, you want to make sure that you’re able to cover the added expenses and lack of income for the duration. Begin by breaking down your budget and making sure that you know exactly how much you need to be saving in order to take some well-earned time off. Next, make sure to use weekends to your advantage. If you work in a company that operates in a traditional Monday through Friday work week and you want to take time for a vacation, start it on a Friday evening and go through the following two weekends. This enables you to take a nine-day vacation that only extends over five actual workdays. Finding Rest Without PTO While paid time off is a valuable perk for any job, the lack of it does not mean you’re stuck. The most important thing is to maintain a positive mindset as you go about addressing the issue. It’s easy to feel slighted by a lack of vacation days, but that only hurts yourself. Take stock of your situation, size up your options, and then create a plan of action in order to find that rest and relaxation that every employee needs on a regular basis. Image Source: Pixabay By Sam Bowman Sam Bowman  is a freelance writer and introvert who enjoys getting to utilize the internet for the community without actually having to leave his house. In his spare time, he likes running, reading, and combining the two in a run to his local bookstore. Go to top Let me emphasize that Self-Promotion doesn’t have to be obnoxious to be effective.   But, if you don’t Self-Promote you, who will? If you ever want to get ahead, you have to learn how to Self-Promote. I want to help you accelerate your career by connecting you with your Free Instant Access to my video that shows you simple, yet effective ways to Self-Promote. Start watching now by clicking here! Brought to you by Dorothy Tannahill-Moran â€" dedicated to unleashing your professional potential. Introvert Whisperer

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